Imaginarium (part 3)

The third and final module of the Imaginarium course with Esté Macleod was filled with wonder: a landscape I felt I could live in and explore, with all its doors and windows, houses to snuggle in, and tree-filled landscapes to roam around in.

There was a big project at the end of the module which I haven’t done yet. I have a feeling it’s on hold for a later date so I thought I would go ahead and post the pages I have done so far. The smaller doodling exercises were exactly what I needed for the late winter/early spring time of year. Later in the year, when I am feeling in a “big project” mood, I will come back and continue!



These shapes were created using the end of a cardboard tube from a toilet roll as a stamp! I love how wobbly and quirky they turned out to be.

Filling the shapes in with colour…


Out among the trees, everything makes sense once again…

I love how many of the exercises in this course build on previous exercises. In this next one, we used the shapes from earlier on in the module to create trees.

Windows and Doors

This was my favourite exercise of the module. I felt transported to a magical city where I could wander through narrow cobbled streets, taking in the doors and windows and wondering who lives inside. Maybe someone will invite me in for a cup of tea?

#Coloritree Colour palette

Matchmaking a door and window from the previous exercise and trying out a recent #coloritree #coloricombo from Esté Macleod. It was interesting trying to mix the colours myself to match Esté’s palette suggestions. I am happy to say, this time I made notes on how I got there!

A note about #coloricombo: Each week, Esté introduces a colour palette inspired by a particular work of art with all sorts of inspiring info about the artist and where you can learn more about their work. The idea is to create a piece of art that uses these colours, with the addition of black, white/cream and other neutral colours. It’s a super inspiring project and it’s free! You can sign up here.


I particularly loved the rounded organic dwellings that showed up in this exercise, so I played with them some more, creating vectorised illustrations on my iPad using the Adobe Capture app and Affinity Designer…

I absolutely loved this class with Esté and look forward to doing more classes with her this year. In case you would like to try her creative approach, she is offering a free mini-course inspired by trees, called Four Seasons. It begins tomorrow, April 1 and you can sign up for it here. Maybe see you there?

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