Der Tshaynik – A Yiddish Folktale (part 5)

This last instalment has been quite a ride! After writing the text for the story, I was suddenly faced with all manner of challenges: how exactly do I depict letters of light, heavenly realms, and angels? So I took my time and felt my way along. I love what came out of the process. I …

Der Tshaynik – A Yiddish Folktale (part 4)

When I began working on Der Tshaynik (The Tea Kettle), I imagined the process would be similar to that of The Tale of the Silent Woman which I wrote and illustrated during the 100dayproject back in 2018. Each day, I produced a single page, not knowing what would follow on from there. 'Der Tshaynik' has …

Der Tshaynik – A Yiddish Folktale (part 3)

The method of storytelling I wanted to follow in creating this tale is as follows: Turn up each day and find out what happens next! This is the method I used when I wrote 'The Tale of the Silent Woman' several years ago. Somehow, over a period of 100 days, the story had a complete …

Der Tshaynik – A Yiddish Folktale (part 2)

With the second instalment of Der Tshaynik (The Tea Kettle), we are well and truly underway. I am enjoying working within several new constraints: no speech bubbles, keeping the text concise, and a muted colour palette. After three months of diary comics, however, it is taking all my willpower not to add speech bubbles to my …

Der Tshaynik – A Yiddish Folktale (part 1)

The next 3 months of my yearlong Yiddish project will be dedicated to telling a story. All I know about this story is how it begins. And that it involves a tea-kettle (a tshaynik)! I hope to turn up each day and be as surprised as anyone to learn what happens next. This is a very …

The Tale of the Silent Woman

This story was written and illustrated over the 100 days and nights of the 100dayproject 2018. I began on day 1 with no idea what the story would be about. Each day I turned up and imagined what happened next. Before long, the story had a life of its own and I did my best …

Create your own story cards

One of the things I most enjoyed during the Season of Story at Get Messy, was the project where we made our own story cards during the week I took over the Get Messy instagram account. It is such a simple method and yet the results can be stunning. So I thought I would share …

100 days of story (final week!)

I have been postponing posting the last few days of the story because basically I can't quite believe it's over! It has been such a wonderful process from beginning to end, made all the more joyful by knowing that so many of you have been following along and enjoying the story. Thank you so much …

100 days of story (week 13)

The time has come for a showdown between The Silent Woman and The North Wind! I am posting the latest instalment of the story each day over on instagram using the hashtag #divyams100daysofstory. You can also read weekly posts right here on the blog. Without further ado, here are the latest pages of the story. Enjoy!

100 days of story (week 12)

The Silent Woman has travelled far and wide, undergoing great hardship and receiving many gifts. She is no longer the same woman who set out on her journey of transformation. It is time for her to face The North Wind. She is ready! I am posting the latest instalment of the story each day over …